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  • Writer's picturelittlebearbig

Summertime Potty Training Tips!

Six curiosities that show that your child might be ready to begin potty training

Summertime is the perfect time for potty training! First off, there are less clothes to deal with! Instead of having to wash the tights, leggings, pants, jeans, socks, etc. when there is an accident, you barely have to wash anything at all!

Six curiosities that show that your child might be ready to begin potty training are if your child:

1. Likes to observe other children going potty 

2. Communicates to you when they are "doing business"

3. Wants to take their diaper off often

4. Would like to play without clothes on (perfect now because its hot and they are close to naked anyways!)

5. Prefers to put on their own diaper and/or clothes on themselves (with assistance at times)

6. Enjoys not even wearing their diaper at all!

Summertime is a is a great time to implement numbers 4 and 6 and let your little one explore free from restricting clothing! Beaches are great for this! ⠀⠀⠀ This season of summer is more relaxed as well, so you can leave the rushing, strict policies, and appearances behind, and move towards a slower, less fast-paced, more messy hair-do’s kind of routine! This will allow room, time, and space for “trial and error accidents” and “potty learning experiences” to happen! You will soon find your little one is the one “doing all the hard work” if he/she is already demonstrating these curiosities (1-6)! All you have to do is allow some “oopsie puddles” to take place and assist in some clean up! Check out our highly rated potty training seat on Amazon now! (Click our "featured product" tab to check it out!)

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